A.T. Still University
This organization occasionally hosts Dental Care clinics for Veterans, which include free exams and more.
Department of Veterans Affairs
This website provides information about how Afghanistan Veterans and their families can receive help from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Rehabilitation Services for the Blind (RSB) offers services to help blind or visually impaired persons reach personal and employment success.
Caregivers on the Homefront
This non-profit organization is headquartered in Kansas City, MO and was wondering if we could get our resource on your page. We supports Service Members, Veterans and their family members who are taking care of a wounded or ill Veterans.
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities empowers at risk people to create a pathway out of poverty by alleviating their immediate crises to create stability; then providing robust support to lift them to dignity and self-reliance. Each diocese and local program offers unique services in their local communities. So, it is suggested that Veterans reach out to their local Catholic Charity organization and inquire about their specific services.
The Jefferson City area contact phone number is (573) 635-7719. Their email is info@cccnmo.org.
The Kansas City area contact phone number is (816) 221-4377. Their email is assistance@ccharities.com.
Their goal is to assist in reintegrating homeless veterans into meaningful employment and develop effective service delivery systems. They provide training and employment services to homeless and at-risk Veterans across Southern Missouri. For more information, contact Stephanie Arterberry at (417) 720-4213 or email her at sarterberry@ccsomo.org.
The St. Louis area contact phone number is ((314) 367-5500. You will have to visit their website to send a request to them via email.
Kaufman Fund
St. Louis Area
The Kaufman Fund Presents Captain Todd Wahl Chiropractic Referral Program, which offers free chiropractic care for Veterans based upon need.
Department of Veterans Affairs
The Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment (COMPACT) Act of 2020 allows Veterans in acute suicidal crisis the ability to go to any VA or non-VA health care facility for emergency health care at no cost – including inpatient or crisis residential care for up to 30 days and outpatient care for up to 90 days. Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA system to use this benefit. There are eligibility requirements, as well as more information provided in the link.
This flyer shares common questions and answers about this program.
Talks about CAMPACT Act eligibility, how providers can report instances to the VA, care coordination and notification requirement.
Domestic Violence Hotline
This resources provides immediate help with domestic violence-related support.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Military sexual trauma (MST) refers to sexual assault or threatening sexual harassment experienced during military service. Veterans of all genders and from all types of backgrounds have experienced MST. If you’re having difficulties related to your experience of MST, the VA can support you in whatever way will help you best.
If you are a service member or family member of the Missouri Army National Guard (MOARNG), the Care Team can provide assistance with many matters in your life such as mental health, spiritual needs, financial needs, personal/professional counseling, and much more! This link provides contacts at MOARNG for all of those needs.
This is where those who served in the Missouri Army National Guard can go to retrieve their record(s) of military service, such as the NGB Form 22. Call (573) 638-9683 for assistance.
Provides information and resources regarding the prevention and treatment of various Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).
Provides information and resources regarding Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (“PrEP”). The goal of PrEP is to prevent an HIV-negative person from acquiring HIV from an HIV-positive partner.
Includes various information and resources for medical professionals and other providers regarding HIV/AIDS.
Includes various information and resources related to Hepatitis C.
Includes general information regarding topics and disease conditions addressed by the Bureau of HIV, STD and Hepatitis.
Outlines Missouri DHSS’ plan for Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America (EHE). EHE is the operational plan developed by various agencies across the U.S. to end the HIV epidemic in the United States by 2030. The EHE plan leverages critical scientific advances in HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and outbreak response.
Veterans who are retired, or who served in the National Guard or Reserve, may be eligible for TRICARE health care. This resource offers the opportunity to learn more.
Learn how to treat tuberculosis in Missouri with this resource.
Veterans Administration Logo
Find out how to apply for and manage the health care benefits you've earned with VA.
Military-2-VA (formerly Transition Care Management) is available to provide transition support, resources, advocacy, and VA navigation to transitioning military, National Guard and Reservists, and Veterans entering the VA. For more information, CONTACT: Elizabeth "Liz" Wilde at (314) 289-7641.
Comprehensive health care program in which the VA shares the cost of covered health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries.
Comprehensive list of all VA CBOCs in Missouri.
Information on accessing health services not provided by the VA or not within network.
Access your VA medical record and your personal health record.
Find your local VA location.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Learn how VA Health Care work, how to enroll, and much more.
Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife) which provides guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance coverage to Veterans age 80 and under, with any level of service-connected disability.
This kit explains how a Veteran can enroll in the VA system, learn about the process of obtaining federal benefits, and much more.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Learn more about VA's mental health services.
Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) is part of a nationwide program to improve healthcare and mental health care for Veterans with mental illness. This VA program is a national center, which conducts research, provides clinical programming, and develops educational resources in support of Veterans, families and communities. For more information contact Melissa McHarg at (720) 723-6484 or melissa.mcharge@va.gov.
To get help, call 1-800-273-8255.
Readjustment counseling is offered to make a successful transition from military to civilian life or after a traumatic event experienced in the military. 1-877-927-8387 is a free, around the clock confidential call center where Veterans, service members and their families can talk about their military experience or any other issue they are facing in transitioning after military service or trauma and get connected to their nearest Vet Center.
Fortunately, there are many ways to recover from alcohol or drug use disorders. Take the next step and learn about the many VA treatments available, including in- and outpatient care, medications, support groups, specialized therapy, and more. For immediate help call 1-800-273-8255 .
Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) is a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) clinical vocational rehabilitation program.
VA has developed guidance to process cases involving same-sex spousal benefits, and to implement necessary changes swiftly and smoothly in order to deliver the best services to all our nation's Veterans. All Veterans in same-sex marriages who believe they are entitled to benefits should therefore promptly apply for benefits. Furthermore, Veterans whose claims were previously denied based on prior guidance should re-apply for benefits.
For help with treatment and health care related to experiences of Military Sexual Trauma (MST), please contact your local VA medical center and ask to speak to the MST Coordinator.
Uniting for Suicide Postvention (USPV) offers healing and hope to anyone who has lost someone to suicide, regardless of their relationship to that person. For more information, email: uspv@va.gov
If you served at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune or Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River in North Carolina, you may have had contact with contaminants in the drinking water there. Scientific and medical evidence has shown an association between exposure to these contaminants during military service and development of certain diseases later on. If you have qualifying service at Camp Lejeune and a current diagnosis of one of the conditions listed below, you may be able to get disability benefits.
Department of Veterans Affairs
VA covers urgent care services at VA medical centers and in network community providers.
Wounded Warrior Project
The focus and mission of this organization is to serve Veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound while serving in the military on or after September 11, 2001.