The Missouri Reentry Process (MRP) is designed to prepare offenders to be successful, productive, taxpaying citizens upon their release from prison. This endeavor requires an integrated network of support to help offenders address barriers to their success.
Learn about how incarcerated U.S. military Veterans have established a platoon system, transforming a prison wing into housing unit that feels like a barracks. Together the Veterans participate in PTSD treatment, substance abuse treatment, anger management, group therapy, peer-led courses and mentoring programs. They earn privileges to hold card tournaments, softball games and movie nights. They schedule training and maintenance and observe traditional military rituals, such as raising and lowering a U.S. flag daily.
This video highlights how the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development, in partnership with the Missouri Department of Corrections, is making a difference in the lives of justice-involved individuals while serving the needs of Missouri's workforce. Education programs, career planning, career counseling, and Job Center services are available right inside Missouri's prisons to help justice-involved individuals re-enter the workforce once they are released.