2-1-1 Phone Number or Local Resources
Dialing 211 is an easy way to contact an information and referral service for help and assistance with basic human needs such as housing, utilities, food, financial assistance, health, clothing, or employment.
Department of Veterans Affairs
This website provides information about how Afghanistan Veterans and their families can receive help from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Caregivers on the Homefront
This non-profit organization is headquartered in Kansas City, MO and was wondering if we could get our resource on your page. We supports Service Members, Veterans and their family members who are taking care of a wounded or ill Veterans.
Domestic Violence Hotline
Their mission to transport America’s Veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices.
This secure Department of Defense (DoD) website provides a single gateway for you to find comprehensive information on military-operated or military-approved child care programs worldwide. With MilitaryChildCare.com, you create an account and maintain a household profile that you can access at any time from any location.
Department of Veterans Affairs
The Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment (COMPACT) Act of 2020 allows Veterans in acute suicidal crisis the ability to go to any VA or non-VA health care facility for emergency health care at no cost – including inpatient or crisis residential care for up to 30 days and outpatient care for up to 90 days. Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA system to use this benefit. There are eligibility requirements, as well as more information provided in the link.
This flyer shares common questions and answers about this program.
Talks about CAMPACT Act eligibility, how providers can report instances to the VA, care coordination and notification requirement.
After serving, Veterans and their dependents can access Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) offices at military installations, reserve centers, and through the Missouri National Guard. Military installation and reserve center office appointments must be schedule online. To locate and schedule an appointment at an Active Duty or Reserve Component DEERS office for enrollment updates or military ID cards visit this website: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/locator
Disabled American Veterans
DAV is a nonprofit organization that provides a lifetime of support for Veterans of all generations and their families. They assist Veterans in many areas of need, such as financial assistance, transportation, food, shelter, and so much more.
Department of Veterans Affairs
This VA website allows a Veteran to ask a series of questions to get customized step-by-step instructions on how to apply for a discharge upgrade or correction. If their application goes through and their discharge is upgraded, they will be eligible for the VA benefits they earned during their period of service.
Department of Veterans Affairs
eBenefits is a web portal managed jointly by VA and the United States Department of Defense to provide service members, Veterans and eligible dependents the ability to manage their VA and DoD benefits, claims, and military documents online.
MO State Seal
Register to Vote, Check Voter Registration, Check Upcoming Election Deadlines, Absentee Voting, Accessible Voting, View Candidates & Issues
The Archives holds many military records of Missourians who served in domestic and foreign wars between 1812 and World War I. These records primarily consist of individual service cards. In some cases, other information is available, such as payrolls, muster and descriptive rolls, reports, orders, and reparation claims. This collection contains military records exclusively. More information on the wars listed below can be found in other Archives collections. For more information, Call: (573) 751-3280 or Email: archref@sos.mo.gov
Fisher House Mid-Missouri
The Mid-Missouri Fisher House provides free, temporary lodging for families of Veterans receiving hospital care.
This is a non-profit 501c3 organization that is dedicated to giving ALL citizens, especially Veterans, the opportunity to display one of the greatest symbols of our nation, the U.S. Flag.
Department of Veterans Affairs
The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs), community-based outreach clinics (CBOCs), through VA contractors, or through other VA designated entities.
Internal Revenue Service's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs offer free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. Visit their website or call them to learn more.
Veterans Administration Logo
As a minority Servicemember or Veteran, you may qualify for a wide range of benefits offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
K-9's On The Front Line Logo
K9s on The Front Line provides certified, trained service dogs to Veterans who are affected by PTSD and/or TBI, at no cost to them.
Department of Veterans Affairs
As part of their mission to serve Servicemembers, Veterans, and their families, VA provides valuable life insurance benefits to give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family is protected.
Lifeline For VETS
This organization offers resources to Veterans.
Missouri National Guard
Missouri National Guard Awards
This website provides information on how Missouri National Guard Service Members and Veterans can receive medals and awards they have earned.
Missouri National Guard
Missouri Military Funeral Honors
This website provides information about receiving Military Funeral Honors in our state.
If you are a service member or family member of the Missouri Army National Guard (MOARNG), the Care Team can provide assistance with many matters in your life such as mental health, spiritual needs, financial needs, personal/professional counseling, and much more! This link provides contacts at MOARNG for all of those needs.
This is where those who served in the Missouri Army National Guard can go to retrieve their record(s) of military service, such as the NGB Form 22. Call (573) 638-9683 for assistance.
Department of Conservation
The Missouri Department of Conservation recognizes the contributions and sacrifices made by Veterans.. Follow the link to see the permit exemptions, specific events, and many opportunities to help you access the great outdoors in the Show Me State.
Missouri Prosecutors Victims Advocate
This organization assists victims in finding shelter, counseling, and assists with filing restraining orders.
Our amazing team of volunteers is committed to preserving history. We collect Veterans' interviews one interview at a time. Each interview involves an interviewer, a videographer and a scribe. MVHP is a joint venture with the University of Missouri - St. Louis Veterans Studies Program and partners with the State Historical Society of Missouri.
Their team is committed to preserving history. They collect Veterans' interviews one interview at a time. Each interview involves an interviewer, a videographer and a scribe. MVHP is a joint venture with the University of Missouri - St. Louis Veterans Studies Program and partners with the State Historical Society of Missouri.
Individuals looking for a career in maintenance with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) can now take advantage of an apprenticeship program that provides maintenance employees with on-the-job training combined with related classroom instruction, all while earning a paycheck. The program is also available to current MoDOT employees.
Operation BBQ Relief
Armed with a caravan of cooks, mobile pits, kitchens and volunteers, Operation BBQ Relief delivers the healing power of BBQ in times of need, feeding first responders and communities affected by natural disasters along with year-round efforts to fight hunger.
Our Military Kids
Our Military Kids recognizes the sacrifice of children of deployed National Guard, deployed Reserve, or post 9/11 combat-injured service members by offering extracurricular activity grants that build the child's self-confidence, enhance family wellness, and strengthen a shared sense of community.
Safe Passage Shelter
Moberly Area
This organization offers emergency shelter and services for individuals and families who have experienced domestic and/or sexual abuse around the Moberly area. All services are free and confidential.
This website explains Military and Veteran benefits eligibility and how Social Security pays disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.
St. Louis County Veterans Court
A Veterans Court is a problem-solving court designed for Veterans charged with felony offenses and struggling with addiction, serious mental illness and/or co-occurring disorders.
Department of Veterans Affairs
This website provides a list of all 50 state agencies who serve Veterans, including those located in American Territories who offer services similar to Missouri Veterans Commission.
Suits for Soldiers
Lake of the Ozarks Area
For more information about how this organization provides suits to Veterans.
The Precious Legacy
This organization's mission is to create support and lifelong bonds by bringing together the aged-out surviving legacies of service members that have died for our nation.
True North
True North is a domestic and sexual violence victim service program providing safe shelter. available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year to victims and their minor children of domestic and sexual violence fleeing abusive situations.
Department of Social Services
This resource provides assistance with the following needs: heating/cooling, water/sewer, and contractors/suppliers.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Enter each of your disability ratings separately below. You can also add a description of each for your notes, if you'd like. Then click Calculate to get your combined rating. Disability ratings are given in 10% increments, between 0 and 100.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Learn how VA Health Care work, how to enroll, and much more.
Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife) which provides guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance coverage to Veterans age 80 and under, with any level of service-connected disability.
This kit explains how a Veteran can enroll in the VA system, learn about the process of obtaining federal benefits, and much more.
Department of Veterans Affairs
The OIG hotline receives, screens, and determines the disposition of complaints concerning veterans or VA that relate to potentially unlawful activity or potential violations of rules or regulations; fraud, waste, and abuse; and gross mismanagement of VA programs and operations.
Veterans Administration Logo
A Veteran ID Card (VIC) is a form of photo ID you can use to get discounts offered to Veterans at many restaurants, hotels, stores, and other businesses. Find out if you’re eligible for a Veteran ID Card and how to apply.
Veterans Urban Farm
Columbia Area
Patient Veterans at the Truman VA Hospital in Columbia, MO have the opportunity to serve as paid apprentices through the VA’s transitional work program. Apprentices work to maintain the Veterans Urban Farm over the course of the growing season. Fruits and vegetables grown on site are sold to the public, donated to local Veterans, and used in health-focused programming at the VA Hospital. VA patients participate in recreational therapy programs,
Wounded Warrior Project
The focus and mission of this organization is to serve Veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound while serving in the military on or after September 11, 2001.
This organization provides professional skills training and more to eligible Veterans.